An editorial note from Issue 7 of the CONCORDIA INTERNATIONAL EQUESTRIAN MAGAZINE – the current issue and archived issues are free to download and read online.

The Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI) is the International Governing Body of Equestrian Sports – including three Olympic disciplines – Jumping, Dressage and Eventing. In June last year, they established their Equine Ethics and Wellbeing Commission (EEWC).

The EEWC consequently submitted several recommendations to the FEI for internal discussion, including making double bridles and spurs optional in FEI Grand Prix dressage competitions.

The International Dressage Riders Club (IDRC) and the International Dressage Trainer’s Club (IDTC), both Associate Members of the FEI, opposed these proposals and made their reasons clear in an open letter to the FEI and EEWC published on their websites. In this letter, it is suggested that their critics are guilty of ‘unwarranted or ignorant criticism’ that ‘opposition to the double bridle comes from a lack of understanding’ of how and why it is used and that they support the ‘principle of using objective scientific evidence to establish rules regarding welfare’ – it should be noted that no scientific evidence was referenced in their justification for not changing the rules, and also that the EEWC recommendation was only to make equipment optional, rather than mandatory.

In response to these recommendations not being accepted by the FEI, the derisory comments in the letter, as well as the 2023 changes to the FEI dressage rules and the open displays of rollkur on live webcam coverage at International dressage competitions, we have asked for comments, opinions and scientific facts from those whose experience and qualifications mean they cannot possibly be described as ‘unwarranted’, ‘being ignorant’ or ‘lacking in understanding’.

An editorial note from Issue 7 of the CONCORDIA INTERNATIONAL EQUESTRIAN MAGAZINE – the current issue and archived issues are free to download and read online.